04 March 2011

History Lesson: Harold the Chimp

(Photo from DNAinfo.com)

Real quick post today as it seems some New Yorkers were CONFUSED about pictures put up by the Cosmos organization. The photos in question are of Pele juxtaposed with a monkey. Apparently, it’s raised some questions about whether it is some sort of racial insult.

Of course, it is not. To clear up any confusion, the monkey in question is Harold the Chimp, the mascot for the Cosmos back in the 1970s. The Chimp, who was actually introduced at a press conference, would perform before matches juggling a ball to entertain the crowd.

However, the Chimp had the unfortunate issue of not being able to control his bladder, just ask Stanley Startzell, who was the teams token homegrown player at the time. 


Leo Glickman said...

Problem Solved. Why not post the new link?